Friday, June 27, 2008

Ohhs yeas. Friday. ;)
Just back from grandma house lorhs. Today after school, went to MidValley again. ;x
lols, for some celebrations. ;) today was funfunfun. :) Me, yoke khoon, li mun, xin yi and sheen nie went to MV together. And we watched "get smart". Lols damn funny larhs. -.- The guy... -_- lols a lil bit sot, and the lady, wahh HOTHOTHOT. Perhaps guys 'll nose bleed. ;p bwahahahahas.
after watching movie, mom come fetch me back. then we stopped at my grandma house, and me and my cousins, sot again. we kept playing the comp, until almost 10pm only back home, with my school uniform. -_-"
hahas, was damn tired today. but it's still consider as a happy day. :)
okays. then last few days got back my idiot results. -_-" actually overall can consider got improve de lorhs.
butbutbut, one stupiak subject, 1 mark to pass. -.- Zzzzzz. kanasai lo. the paper2 fault larhs. Arghhhs. -_-
haihs, nevermind. try harder next time bahs. =/
oh yeas. tomorrow I'll be going out with 2 besties. :x for celebrating birthday. hahas. although it's delayed, but thoughts that count right? ;) this few weeks its like... damn busy lorhs. -.- camp then outing, then besties gathering, then agriculture park, then shopping, then genting, lower6 orientation, wahhs alot thingys that are undone. -_-"
blahs blahs. nevermind. maybe it's my time to relax after lamelame exams. :) enjoy enjoy it!
thanks to them. ;p
andand, yesterday just got to know. Gonna hand in an essay to Mr william 3rd of July. -.-
"How can psychology contribute to the health and development of Malaysian youth today?"
I've NO any idea how to write this essay out. -.- blank blank blank. o.o arghhs helppp! =/
lols. kinda tired lor today. -_- lack of sleeeeeeeep! ;x
Im going to count sheep soon. Lala land, Im coming. ;p
okays, I shall end my post now. heees. :)

I miss the past, so much .


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