Sunday, January 11, 2009

Last Saturday went to Sunway Lagoon with yk, xy and lm. LOL 2 words to describe, DAMN FUN!

Hahah, we arrived Sunway Pyramid first to meet, and lm brought her friend come along with us.

Wahh, 10yrs time, really change a lot ehh!

I’ve tried a lot new thingy there, but I coward lar.. a lot games I dont dare to play lo..-__-

Yk and xy them PRO! They’ve tried almost everything.. -.- which I don’t dare one! Hahah!

Anyway it was pretty fun! xD a lot of tourists there.. mostly whites there.. xD they’re quite friendly! :)

And some I don’t even understand what they’re talking hohoho!!

Yeahh! The trip was awesome!! WHEEEE!

Xy brought her camera and she takes some pictures for us..

Will upload when she sends to me!!

Looking forward to the next tripppp!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thank you cbox for reminding!! =)
I should upload some of my graduation's picts!
but no sobbing face one lar! LOL =p

The graduation day was great!
It's still as usual, everyone's busy taking pictssss!
Then, school leaving cert been given out.
after that, graduate's performances, sing sing sing! xD
lastly, back to class, take picts again! lol.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Heyheyhey! Happy New Year! :D
May this New Year brings prosperity, love, happiness in our life.
Whoa! It’s been more than a month I didn’t update.
Terribly paisehh. After stpm, this blog is deaddd till now. Lol.

Sighh. I just tried to change my blog’s layout, that layout need to use IE to open, awww troublesome. -.-
and now, it becomes like this. -.-
I tried to go blogskins to find some, found some nice layouts, but cannot be used.
At last, found this inside the blogger. =/
AND I just realized, my CBOX disappeared!!