Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ermms tat few days im kinda lazy lols =x
dint login just go for chattie box spam some -_-"
cuz i think next week onwards until holiday im nt able to update my blog le
thats why i come for today lols =D
exam starts on this coming thursday =.=
becuz of stupid general election school need prepare something in friday
then exam step forward lord .__.
actually im kinda nervous but i haven even touch my books yet ._.
tat day i just wrote william lessons are nice but the other day he ask me for speech again
zzzz for some stupid fairy tales =.= but i dun rmb much since its my primary life's thingys lols
then audition upload some new songs which is super nicee =)
makes me playing everyday lols =.= looking forward to holiday :))

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

ehh *blog updated* =.=
last week william discuss with us about Bermuda Triangle ;)
wow mysterious place i wish to know where they've been transfer =X other planet?
that was my 1st time that i paying 100% concentration during his lesson lolss
and his ANGMO tones =X hahas
then before class dismissed, he suddenly discuss about feelings,
he said scientist cant explained how feelings could exist, in class suddenly got one ppl said becuz of HEART lols.. but he say " NOO heart only pumps blood lols =.="
den before he go he say he's from pluto lol =.= i still told yoke khoon cheyy im from mars la lol =.=
but now i think i'll believe wad he said =P
anyway i still find his lesson is interesting if NO grp discussion or oral test hahas ;DD
next week 29th of feb confirm exam le =/
wahh sadd T.T!

Monday, February 11, 2008


明天开始上课了,哎!有够凄惨的功课什么都还没做好,以前懒是懒,但至少不会像现在这样头脑一片空白的,只是自从上了中六后真的懒得没话说 =.=!
又要接近考试了,想起班上的同学和老师,还有源源不断的功课,只有烦死能形容我的心情 =/
今天什么地方都没去,窝在家里玩电脑,看电视。哎,美好的时间总是结束得超快的... T.T

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Audition ElaineYi

Ermms... got somebody said that my blog hav no pics =X
thats why i go upload one lols =.=
i using photoshop to merge all my pics into one...=.=
i think if Sean saw this sure will say : "WALAO JIAYI ur photoshop SKILL SUX!!"
lolss sorry =P i've no skills at all =.=
just anyhow make it thats why its so ugly lols =X
newbie here lolsss =x or somebody can make me to do it better? ><"


在此祝你新年快乐,万事如意!红包多多! =X
不过明天就开学了,真的有够惨,破坏心情哦... =/
期待三月份的假期,原动力啊!! =X


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ehh lolss thanks lim huat for helping a lot in my blog heh :)
it becomes more and more colorful and he can change it for me in just few minutes..
i guess mayb that's the power of alien from jupiter LOL =X
Anyway im not DUM DUM okay lols i just suddenly fail to different the mushroom as well as the potatoes you show me =X pictures not clear heh ^^ but since ur blog praise me lol =x
礼尚往来来而不往非礼也 lols =X keh huat DOM DOM =X
Anyway today bought yok kon for RM 140 lord its so expensive -,-
i guess it can bought the whole pig le =.=

Sunday, February 3, 2008


之前的那个可能是我弄背景时搞砸了,结果连taggie box也没了。一塌糊涂!
结果在无计可施的情况下,我就索性改掉那个网址换来了这个,希望相同的问题不会再出现了,=.=!整体看下去似乎好像是一样的hor? =.=
这段日子就请多多包涵了,谢谢哦 =)) *paiseh*


其实我并没有写个人部落格的习惯,这是我的第一次,也希望不会是最后一次啦 =] 要不然之前的就不会莫名其妙地被删除了。xD
呃... 其实原因无他,星期六是假日,还要进行这么累人的五公里赛跑 =.= 情有可原 =X
踏 进学校的那一刻,发现其实学校还是像以往那般热闹,会场上的旗帜依旧,同样的场景,唯一不同的是我们吧?在学校里没有你们的影子了...从九点开始跑,九 点四十五分才到终点...=.= 没想到第五年了,还是没办法为蓝组拿下分数 =.=!虽然体力不支啦,但精神永在 x) 至少在颁奖典礼上我是用尽力气为蓝组喝彩的!^^