Sunday, January 11, 2009

Last Saturday went to Sunway Lagoon with yk, xy and lm. LOL 2 words to describe, DAMN FUN!

Hahah, we arrived Sunway Pyramid first to meet, and lm brought her friend come along with us.

Wahh, 10yrs time, really change a lot ehh!

I’ve tried a lot new thingy there, but I coward lar.. a lot games I dont dare to play lo..-__-

Yk and xy them PRO! They’ve tried almost everything.. -.- which I don’t dare one! Hahah!

Anyway it was pretty fun! xD a lot of tourists there.. mostly whites there.. xD they’re quite friendly! :)

And some I don’t even understand what they’re talking hohoho!!

Yeahh! The trip was awesome!! WHEEEE!

Xy brought her camera and she takes some pictures for us..

Will upload when she sends to me!!

Looking forward to the next tripppp!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thank you cbox for reminding!! =)
I should upload some of my graduation's picts!
but no sobbing face one lar! LOL =p

The graduation day was great!
It's still as usual, everyone's busy taking pictssss!
Then, school leaving cert been given out.
after that, graduate's performances, sing sing sing! xD
lastly, back to class, take picts again! lol.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Heyheyhey! Happy New Year! :D
May this New Year brings prosperity, love, happiness in our life.
Whoa! It’s been more than a month I didn’t update.
Terribly paisehh. After stpm, this blog is deaddd till now. Lol.

Sighh. I just tried to change my blog’s layout, that layout need to use IE to open, awww troublesome. -.-
and now, it becomes like this. -.-
I tried to go blogskins to find some, found some nice layouts, but cannot be used.
At last, found this inside the blogger. =/
AND I just realized, my CBOX disappeared!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Woohooos! ;) Trial is officially over! Yeshhhhh!
but, this term was seriously dead. =/ whatever i studied didnt come out much in the paper, whereas those which im not focusing, wahh lotsa questions. Zzzz.
end up with lucky shot. BangBANGbang!
totally GG. -.-

Recently i've been crazy about "School Rumble"~
damn funny lar! =x LaughOutLoud. ;D
I like Tsukamoto larrrr! CUTEEEE! <33 and the Karasuma. =x
though he looked like a nerd, retard, or weirdo. Lols. =[
but Harima is funny too! heeees!
i damn love this manga!! =DD
cant wait to watch the 3rd season!
wheeee! LALALA~

Friday, September 12, 2008

Today, trials start.
I guess i did it quite badly since i didnt prepare well for it.
then Muet paper4 was like... damn difficult. Thursday mr william suddenly told us that the format changed. And he wants us to write the new format, whereas others are still using the old ones. haihs. And the question2 i dunno whether my points are acceptable or not... my question1 is already gone. so, question2 i need your help!!
then PA paper2, short of time. I cant finished the paper. Actually before the paper starts i allocated my time, each of the question must be done in 30minutes, otherwise really not enough time larhs. So when the paper starts, I finished the sectionA in 30minutes, then i skipped the sectionB first, and i tried to complete the other parts. the graphs section i use almost an hour to complete, cause the data thingys its like... a lil bit weird. not 100% but 100.11%. Then luckily i can finished the whole paper, but with the ugly handwritting. =p

Lols. enough of exam. just now i go looked for some free IQtest. And i found one. they gave me 300seconds, which been asked to answer 9 questions. I did it, then when i wanna check my results, they told me I've got only 67%!


LOLS !! the most FAKE IQ test brought to you by... -.- although i know im an idiot but at least i hope my IQ not that low. -.- luckily its a prank, otherwise i guess im crying now. Lols.

Funny! I cant stop laughing LOL. xD

Friday, August 29, 2008

Heys. Its been a long time since my last update. Heees.
last week went back to kch, bai zhu xian. =)
anyway I do had lotsa fun there. really enjoy spending my holiday with them.
Okay come back.
Today, after school dismissed, was Sixth Form Installation. :)
I went with yk&lm, venue was at our school lecture hall.
It was fun actually. although just some speech&blahblah.
&&, lower6 gave everyone of us a special present. THANK YOU. ;)
after that, we go canteen for our lunch. I saw min hui.
CUTE mortal. hahas. but i didnt saw the another turn up today. =(
ohh nevermind.
nothing much about today.
so I shall end my post here. :)

Wish for it .

Monday, August 11, 2008

Well. Blog updated quite often recently. hahahas.
Today was celebrating our "Bulan Penhayatan Kemerdekaan" from the first period until recess.
after recess, every period was... relief.
So the whole day, no teacher. LOL. shouldnt go to school today. was wasting time. =/
thank God the small lil boy are fine. I guess? ;) cause there's no any parents come hentam me today, lol -.-
yeah. Thank God. ;)
Today early in the morning, arrived school at 7.25am, as usual.
but been asked back to my class, and watched the performance outside of my class.
but the prob is, my class was full of people. -.- those who I know and I dun know. mostly I dun know. -.-
then I shocked, everyone seems so busy, running here and there. So I asked yk what happened... only she told me that those people are going to perform later. so they're gathered in my class. Lols. x)
after that, we put our bags inside the mini library. then 4 of us go out, ready for the performance to start.
we booked a nice place. =Xx then, suddenly I realised I forgot to bring my specs out. LOls -.-
I run back my class and took my specs. && so ngam, I saw mortal, taking a script. Maybe he's performing later... okay then I go out, meet with 3 cuties. =)
actually was kinda bored, but got some competition. and Mr William was one of the judge.
every form got few groups are taking part. then comes form6's drama.
hahahas was nice one. ;p one of them bringing pikachu bag. so cute okay. =)
&& I just figure out that mortal was narrator.
after the ceremony ends, I went back class. Again, I saw him, cleaning up.
3 times for today. He did quite well.
Anyway, was quite emo today.
and, wednesday going to kch.
okays. Signing off.

You just act don't know. Why?